Nature's Splendor - Call for Art
Date and Time
Thursday Jun 6, 2024
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM EDT
Art Drop-off - May 28 – 31 - 9am to 4pm (Monday –Thursday) - 9am to 2pm (Friday) Exhibition Dates - June 6 to July 5 Opening Reception - Thursday, June 6 - 5:30-7:30pm
Rome Art and Community Center 308 W Bloomfield Street Rome, NY 13440
Contact Information
Jason Tockey
Send Email
Nature surrounds us and is full of diversity and intricacy. From the delicate blooms of flowers to the towering ancient trees to the powerful movement of water and the stately majesty of mountains, nature has the power to inspire and intrigue us. The exhibit is open to a variety of media including painting, printmaking, mixed media, drawing, sculptures, fiber, photography, etc. Call for Art! Entry fee: FREE Please email or call (315) 336-1040 with any questions IMPORTANT DATES Submission of work for consideration Friday, May 10 via email Art Drop-off - May 28 – 31 - 9am to 4pm (Monday –Thursday) - 9am to 2pm (Friday) Exhibition Dates - June 6 to July 5 Opening Reception - Thursday, June 6 - 5:30-7:30pm Art will be accepted on a first come first serve basis. In order to be included in the exhibition artwork MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY to by May 10th, 2024. Due to a priority on diversity of artists, please limit artwork to 6 pieces. Submitted work has a maximum size of 36 inches x 48 inches. Please submit all work in jpg format labeled with title of piece and dimensions including frame. For example: Ghostlylandscape22x36.jpg Please reduce file sizes to a maximum of 2.5MB per photo. All works must be ready for hanging/display at the time of delivery. (i.e. properly wired for hanging, clean, etc.) Wall art must be properly framed or ready for presentation if not framed. Wires should not extend beyond top of frame as they cannot show during exhibition, no clip frames. Artwork must be delivered and mailed or late work will not be accepted. Work may be delivered during business hours the week of May 28 - 31. Be prepared with information about your work to fill out a Loan Agreement at time of delivery. The information required includes artist name, address, phone, title, year, media, dimensions (including frame), and price. Please use a removable sticker or post-it note to label your work on the front, so it will be easy for us to identify when hanging your labels. RACC will retain a 30% commission on artwork sold during the exhibition. No work may be removed prior to the closing date of the exhibition.